
Punter's Virtual Racing Bet Beats Odds Of 10,200/1

BoyleSports on Aug 31, 2017 at 01:28 PM
Virtual win
A Cork punter had a triumphant Thursday when they turned €5 into an incredible €5,692.50 all thanks to three very savvy virtual racing bets.

The customer split their €5 between two €1 each way singles and a 50 cent double on the virtual racing across Portman Park and Sprint Valley.

The first each way single was on Riffel Man at 100/1 in the 10.51 at Portman Park with the second on Colonial Wine also at 100/1 in the 10.47 at Sprint Valley.

The 50 cent double was on the same two horses in their respective races.

Both 100/1 shots won their races meaning the double overcame odds of 10,200/1.""

The three bets totalled a stake of €5 and returned a staggering €5,962.50 and all before 11am! We wish them our sincerest congratulations and hope they enjoy their winnings.
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