
Odds On Second EU Referendum Hit An All-Time Low

Lawrence Lyons on Oct 24, 2018 at 12:35 PM
The odds on a second referendum happening in the UK on membership of the EU have sunk to an all-time low.

Reports claimed that over 700,000 anti-Brexit protesters were involved in the march on the streets of London last weekend to call for a ‘Peoples’ Vote’ as Theresa May’s negotiations with the EU continue to be blighted by stalemate, with no resolution in sight for the future state of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

This week we slashed the chances of a second poll happening before the end of next year into 7/4 from 5/2 after a flurry of bets meaning the odds are now at their lowest mark since the original EU referendum in June 2016.

The current impasse in the Brexit negotiations also led to a burst in money for the UK to miss their scheduled leave date next year and it’s now just 11/8 from 2/1 that the UK doesn’t leave the EU on March 29th 2019 as planned.

*Prices correct at time of publication.
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