
McBrearty Return Will Ease Pain Of McLoone Departure

Kevin Cassidy on Jan 29, 2020 at 12:08 PM
Kevin cassidy gaa1
I aired my thoughts on the advanced mark before the league started that I wasn’t in favour of it and that we were heading more towards Aussie Rules.

Advanced Mark
I don’t think we saw any evidence at the weekend that it’s going to benefit or improve our game. I just don’t agree with it and let’s be honest, I think it probably will be looked at again.

McLoone Retirement
Leo McLoone announced his inter-county retirement on Tuesday and it’s a massive loss for Donegal. Leo has been a fantastic servant to his county. He is a quiet lad around the dressing room and does his talking through the ball.

He has given his all to Donegal so nobody can give out about him retiring and having a bit more downtime and devote more time to his club, Naomh Conaill.

Paddy's Back
It's great to have Paddy McBrearty back in the fold ahead of this weekend’s action.

To be honest I was a bit worried because I was afraid he might like the United States and want to stay there. Thankfully he is back with the panel and has a training session under his belt so we might see him this weekend against Meath.
Obviously losing Leo is a big blow but having Paddy back in the dressing room will lift things.""

Clifford A Class Act
David Clifford’s performance against Dublin was superb especially for his first start as captain of the Kerry team. He is a massive player for them. We have seen what he’s being like growing up and now he is captain.

Even if he wasn’t captain, he is going to play his own game and deliver. The skill levels he possesses are incredible and we saw that against Dublin at the weekend.

He is pivotal to Kerry and what I like about him is that he is extremely keen to play every game.
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