
Dublin Punter Wins €14,414.29 From €1.50 Virtual Racing Bet

Lawrence Lyons on Sept 16, 2019 at 12:41 PM
Virtual win
The celebrations following Dublin’s All-Ireland victory still hadn’t died down on Monday morning, but one lucky native in the capital found thousands more reasons to be happy after landing a stunning five-figure cash injection, all from a €1.50 flutter.

The punter placed a €0.10 Lucky 15 via their online BoyleSports account, picking out four virtual horses at Portman Park.

West Band (11/1), Bad Axe (22/1) and Springs Gazelle (12/1) all struck within half an hour of each other, leaving 28/1 Catwood to win the 10.40 race and send the Dubliner into dreamland.

In little over an hour, the total stake of €1.50 had transformed into a whopping total of €14,414.29.""

The winnings are anything but virtual, so we wish our customer a happy time splashing out with their money!
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