
Coveney The Mover In Fine Gael Leader Market

Leon Blanche on Feb 17, 2017 at 03:50 PM
Simon coveney
Simon Coveney attracted a lot of support all day on Friday and as a result is now 5/2 from 3/1 to be the next leader of Fine Gael.

Leo Varadkar has drifted out to 3/10 from 1/4 as a result of the support for his cabinet colleague,

but he remains the overwhelming favourite to succeed Enda Kenny when he finally calls time on his leadership of the party.""

Although Paschal Donohoe has seemingly ruled himself out of the contest, his price has shortened into 12/1 from 25/1. Traders are expecting plenty of support for different candidates in the coming weeks.

*Prices correct at time of publication.
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